2017LA研修 2月2日 村瀬晴奈

ロサンゼルス研修三日目の朝、私たちは日本人町Little Tokyoから徒歩15分程に位置するLittle Tokyo Service Center(以後LTSCと呼ぶ)を訪れた。事務所と託児所を見学した後、名誉理事ビル渡辺さんからお話を伺った。

In the morning of the third day we toured the office and care facilities at Little Tokyo Service Center (LTSC). This was followed by a meeting with Mr. Bill Watanabe – a Japanese American whose been the leader of LTSC since its inception back in 1979. The center is a community developed nonprofit organization that caters for those in need; in the areas of language and/or cultural advocacy with a specific focus on assisting those in financial constraints. In addition to these, it provides social services such as counseling in many languages, free consultation by phone and after school programs that educates clients on Japanese culture. It also provides real estate development and Little Tokyo Community. This was relayed to us by Mr. Bill Watanabe, together with the general background of the nonprofit organization. However, he alluded to a major challenge faced by the center – the non commitment of younger generation in safeguarding Japanese culture, stating that more are choosing to adopt westernized ideologies. In turn, he was very optimistic in addressing and solving this challenge.