2017LA研修 2月3日 青木希恵

最初は、JCI(Japanese Cultural Institute)というところへ行きました。ここはまあまあ大きな施設で、高齢者向けにレクチャーやエクササイズのクラスを受けられます。年間費として$10、1つ1つのクラスは約$3で受けられるそうです。2階にはたくさんの日本の本が置いてありました。施設の名前にJapaneseとありますが、実際は日本人以外の高齢者もクラスを受けていました。
お昼にはカリフォルニアにしか店舗のないIn N Outというファストフード店に行きました。
最後に行ったのがKeiro Senior Careです。ここは日系の高齢者が住む老人ホームのような施設です。私たちは主にここで、高齢者の方々から、当時のお話や施設での生活の話を聞きました。

On the 4th day of our LA trip, we went to Japanese Cultural Institute (JCI) and Keiro Senior Care. JCI is an institute for the elderly. The JCI hold lectures, classes for exercise, and other activities for the elderly. It costs approximately $10 per year and $3 per class to join activities at the JCI. Furthermore, on the second-floor, there are a number of Japanese books which are free for anyone to borrow.
When we visited JCI, on that floor, we met Charles Igawa. He talked about Japanese-Americans. He wanted to be an American, so he came to America. When he met a person who was a real Japanese-American, he said to that person, “I am a Japanese-American.” But that person told him “You are not a Japanese-American.” He did not know about REAL Japanese-Americans.
After that, we had lunch at In-N-Out, which is a fast food chain only found in California. The last activity we did on this day was visit Keiro Senior Care. Keiro Senior Care is an institute for the elderly, similar to a nursing home. We heard about stories from the residents’ lives and about the life at Keiro Senior Care. All of these experiences were really interesting and valuable to our trip.